
How to be more productive with your time so you can do more than just study

How to be more productive with your time so you can do more than just study

Time management is a critical skill for law students - we all know that the coursework is extensive and the workload can be overwhelming, but it is also a key skill that law firms will be looking for when interviewing. By effectively managing your time, you can ensure that you have enough time to study, complete assignments, and still have some fun.

Why you need to switch long study sessions for short study sessions

Why you need to switch long study sessions for short study sessions

As a law student, you know how demanding and challenging your course can be. With a lot of information to learn and retain, it can be tempting to study for hours at a time in an attempt to cover everything you need to know. However, research shows that this approach may not be the most effective method of studying… and it may even lead to burnout and decreased motivation.

How to get more done as a law student

How to get more done as a law student

Do you have that friend who seems to fit in twice as much stuff as everyone else? Somehow, they can get amazing marks for their work (even though they spend less time than anyone else on their assignments), their calendar is always filled with extra-curriculars, and they still have plenty of spare time to go out and socialise with their friends.

It might feel like the only logical explanation for this is that they are just way smarter than everyone else, but the more likely scenario is that they have just honed their time management skills to an expert level. And today we’re showing you how you can do this too.

What's this "mindfulness" all about?

What's this "mindfulness" all about?

Mindfulness? Everyone seems to talk about it but what does it actually mean? It’s about living in the moment. A good way of understanding is thinking about how a dog approaches a walk. It enjoys everything around it focussing on whatever interests it. Meanwhile, you might be walking along beside your dog consumed with worry and not seeing any of the scenery around you. The dog is practising mindfulness and you are not!