Legal Commentary

What is a protected belief under the Equality Act?

What is a protected belief under the Equality Act?

Not it seems a fear of catching Covid! Perhaps that’s not really too much of a surprise? The Equality Act 2010 allows for the protection of philosophical beliefs, and you may remember that this protection does extend to ethical veganism . The issue of whether protection extended to concerns about catching Covid and passing it on to vulnerable relatives was recently tested in the Employment Appeal Tribunal…

Riches in 2022 tort cases!

Riches in 2022 tort cases!

Here at Law Answered we go through law updates every week to make sure that we’re keeping up with the law and can update our guides effectively. Some weeks we find there’s nothing much to note but we’ve just come across three really interesting tort cases and thought we’d share them with you in advance of popping them into our guides for the summer release dates.

What is the government's 'Breathing Space' scheme?

What is the government's 'Breathing Space' scheme?

There really isn’t much point in litigating to recover debts if you’re not going to be able to get any money at the end of the day. It’s always been important to consider the financial position of the proposed defendant before leaping off to take legal action, but there is now something new to consider – at least in the short term – if you succeed in getting judgment.

What’s the deal on human rights post Brexit?

What’s the deal on human rights post Brexit?

All of us could be forgiven for being confused about how Brexit has affected human rights protection in the UK. Only last month one prominent Brexiter was criticising the EU Human Rights Act. Hold on… that’s not sounding right is it? If legislation is called an Act it has been passed by the UK government. Why would the UK government preface the name of the Act with EU? The proper name of the Act enshrining human rights protection is, of course, the Human Rights Act 1998 (“HRA”).