Top tips to make your applications stand out
Any graduate job attracts huge numbers of applications, and this is absolutely true of law. The old adage about failing to prepare being preparing to fail is 100% true for...
Any graduate job attracts huge numbers of applications, and this is absolutely true of law. The old adage about failing to prepare being preparing to fail is 100% true for...
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to figure out the best route to becoming a lawyer, you’re not alone. With so many pathways to a job in law, and so...
We are looking for a team of law student ambassadors for the 2024/25 academic year. If you want to expand your skills and develop your network, this is the role...
We’ll be honest. This isn’t always easy. However, there are several different routes if you are willing to take the time and commit yourself to it.
We are looking for a motivated, conscientious qualified solicitor with excellent written, legal and communication skills and a love for helping students to join our small team of fun, ambitious...
There is no question about it… AI is changing the world. And lawyers are no exception to this.So what opportunities are there for different law firms? And how is generative...
The route to becoming a solicitor or barrister in the UK is a lengthy and competitive process, and we all know that competition for pupillages and TCs is not going...
We have lots of students tell us that they hate maths and that they’re no good at it. If that’s you then pause just a minute…. stay with us here....
The million dollar question… Do you need a law degree to become a lawyer?The short answer is no.The longer answer on the other hand….
“You’ve got to get some legal sector work experience, or you won’t get a job in law.”Everyone knows that, right?Well yes, normally some work experience is a very good idea...
It’s a daunting but necessary task. Applying for legal jobs, vacation schemes, pupillages or traineeships takes a lot of time and sometimes a bit of trial and error. These tips...
Commercial awareness is keeping up with the business world along side the legal world. For instance when a client asks you for advice, you must assist your client how to...
So we all know that when you’re applying to firms, you must be able to carry out research about the firm, its clients and the work that they carry out....
No surprises here: the first step in law is often research! If you’re looking for a vac scheme, start by researching firms that you think will be a good fit...
The first thing you will notice at university is that everyone will have had a slightly different journey in getting to day one, term one. Whilst many students come direct...
One of the best ways to succeed in law is to have a mentor – someone you can turn to for advice and guidance. Mentorship is rarely a formal scheme,...
So everyone goes on about commercial awareness all of the time. What does it mean and how to you get it? Here’s our simple guide to set you on the...
What is this Imposter Syndrome? If you don’t know, then with any luck it isn’t something that ever bothers you. Great! But you might still read on, if you understand...
Your career decision is for you, and you alone.. We offer you some pointers on how you can go about making the right decision for a happy and fulfilled career.
When should you start thinking about your career if you want to be a lawyer? Actually it’s never too early to start! Opportunities are available as soon as you start...
It’s always soul destroying to receive a rejection when you’ve toiled over an application, and it can be really difficult when you don’t get any feedback. What should you do?
Aced your degree… check. Aced law school… check.Ready to apply for law jobs… but no legal experience. So, what can you do?Future employers going to want to see some legal...
You thought studying the law meant you had to be a solicitor or barrister? Think again!In today's blog, we share ten unusual careers routes you could choose instead.
It’s not uncommon for students to self-fund their studies with part-time or even full-time work. Some LPC students may already have training contracts, and study the LPC around their job....
If you’ve studies Civil Lit you’ll have learnt about search orders – draconian in nature these empower solicitors to look for particular categories of documents which are described in advance...
We’ve all heaved a sigh at the latest lockdown.“Again?”“For how long?”“If I have to stare at these same four walls for much longer…..”It’s grim, but what if, on top of...
The starting point is knowing what the observers in your group exercise are looking for. They may be trainees, partners, associates or the graduate recruitment team…and they are only assessing...
Last month we discussed how to go about making applications for training contracts and vacation schemes and the key traits of preparation and perseverance that you’ll need to get through...
Applications for vacation schemes and training contracts can seem daunting. At the very least, they are enormously time-consuming, with all manner of hurdles for you to overcome before you finally...
Getting legal experience has never been easy, but it certainly not going to be any easier over the next few years. Not something I know many of you will want...
With the current pandemic going on, many firms are moving their holiday vacation schemes, training days and training contract interviews online.
We all know that training contracts are not easy to get. Law firms often receive well over a hundred applications for each available space. And of these hundred applicants, the...
One of the SRA’s stated aims in shaking up legal education was to improve diversity in the solicitors’ profession. The logic was that, by removing the need to take and...
This isn’t likely to be any part of your syllabus, but for those applying for law firms questions about the future direction of the legal profession are quite common. You’ll...
I quite often hear from you that critical thinking assessment is the area that you perform less well at, find it rather difficult, and in consequence, stressful. The reality is...
The Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) might shake that all up. Rather than prescribing a course that students need to take, the SQE sets a new centralised, standardised exam. This is...
This is often a mismatch between how good lawyers actually write and how law students think they might write. Most of us have had our legal writing skills honed through...
Those of you studying LPC will be familiar with the process of disclosure of documents (see page 33 of our LPC guide).Broadly, if you’re going to embark on litigation you...
There has been much press comment on the outcome of the recent attempt by Bromley London Borough Council to secure what was effectively a borough wide ban to prevent the...
We all learn about the hierarchy of courts in the English and Welsh jurisdiction as soon as we start to study law. Lower courts are bound by the decisions of...
If you’re in the process of studying EU, Public or Constitutional law now, then you need to read this post! It’s very likely that you’ll need to understand and refer...
Here at Law Answered we care a lot about writing with clarity. We intend that our guides should be produced using clear, precise English so that you can readily understand...