LPC Answered - Private Client

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LPC Answered - Private Client

from £19.99

Our LPC Answered Private Client elective guide (5th Edition) is a detailed set of notes for the Legal Practice Course. Designed to be as relevant to as many law schools as possible, our notes explain core private client issues clearly, concisely, and in the level of detail that LPC students need to succeed in their elective studies.

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Our LPC Answered Private Client guide tells you EXACTLY what you need to know to smash your studies, without all the additional waffle that your law school lecturers throw at you. Our guides break down key concepts into bite-sized, easy to understand chunks. We use tables, diagrams, and flowcharts to help you understand the law more quickly AND we do it in the way you need for your tutorials and exams.

Examiners want you to answer questions in a certain manner – other textbooks and manuals only tell you the law, but we show you how to apply the law for exam success, so you can learn more efficiently and effectively.

If you wish to refresh your memory of the underlying law of equity and trusts, including negligence, you may wish to look at our LLB Equity & Trusts Law Core Guide. Private Client is sold as a stand-alone guide.

Our 5th edition of the LPC Answered Private Client guide has been comprehensively updated with new chapters, fresh revision aids, new legislation, and feedback from students at a number of different universities, qualified lawyers, and lecturers.

Fully updated in August 2023, this is a MUST HAVE guide for all LPC students.

NOTE: We update our LPC electives on a rolling basis. Please join our mailing list and follow us on our blog and social media for details on new releases.


  • Estate planning - Tax Planning, Financial Planning & Trusts

  • Capacity - Lasting & Enduring Powers of Attorney & the Mental Capacity Act 2005

  • Wills - Requirements for a valid will & the choice & drafting of will clauses

  • International Aspects

  • Trust management - Change of Trustees & Trustees’ Duties

  • Post-Death Planning - Variations, Disclaimers and Applications under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975


We know that everyone learns differently, which is why we have created different ways for you to use our guides:

  1. Our printed guide is our original printed book. All topics are printed in grey scale, with full colour covers to protect your guide, and thick card tabs to help you quickly navigate between topics. Our printed guides use a wiro binding to ensure that your guide sits flat on the table. This is perfect for students that like to have an actual book to take to lectures, make notes in, and tab up for your exams.

  2. Our loose-leaf guide comes pre-hole punched (4 holes), ready for you to place directly into your own folder. If you like to create your own notes, but don’t have the time to copy out large sections of textbook (who does, right?!)… this is PERFECT for you! The hole punched guide allows you to integrate your notes directly into your own notes and gives you the flexibility to re-order our subjects to suit your personal needs. Please note that this version does not include tabs or covers.

  3. Our MyLiveBook Interactive e-Book allows you to access your guide directly from your laptop, phone, or tablet. You can highlight, annotate, add photos and search your guide both online and offline. Links within the book allow you to quickly jump between topics. This is perfect for students that like to work on one (or multiple) devices rather than on paper, or for those that like to work on the go.

  4. The blended learning pack is our creme-de-la-creme way to learn! This includes both a wiro-bounded printed guide OR loose-leaf guide sent direct to your house, and immediate online access via our MyLiveBook Interactive e-Book! The ultimate way to ensure that you always have access to your notes, whether sat at your desk, or on the go!

NOTE: MyLiveBook access will be emailed to you within one hour of your order being placed. Your MyLiveBook access will be valid for 36 months from the date of purchase. Please check our guidance on how to access your code and set up your MyLiveBook access. Please note that you cannot print your MyLiveBook notes out or copy and paste more than 140 characters at a time.