Coronavirus and the English Legal System
The last fortnight has seen a rapid escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK. With this escalation, people in the UK have come to realise the very real effect...
The last fortnight has seen a rapid escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK. With this escalation, people in the UK have come to realise the very real effect...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities around the country to close their campuses and make the transition to remote and online study. Students will often spend a portion of their...
Those of you studying LPC will be familiar with the process of disclosure of documents (see page 33 of our LPC guide).Broadly, if you’re going to embark on litigation you...
When someone is injured as a result of the civil fault of another it is quite common for more than one person to be found responsible for the injury. Indeed,...
Force Majeure? What does it mean? When does it apply?Force Majeure clauses are utterly standard in substantial contracts and bring an end to parties’ liabilities in the event of a...
You probably know that limitation periods apply in respect of litigation proceedings; public policy reasons for this are fairly obvious. Generally applicable periods are either 3 or 6 years, so...
Don’t make a sound – I’ve got a covenant for quiet enjoymentCovenants by landlords to allow tenants quiet enjoyment of premises let to them are pretty standard and there are...
There has been much press comment on the outcome of the recent attempt by Bromley London Borough Council to secure what was effectively a borough wide ban to prevent the...
The SRA has just released its annual quality assurance report which shows the LPC and GDL pass rates at different law schools. Pass rates differ hugely between law schools.Over the...
We all learn about the hierarchy of courts in the English and Welsh jurisdiction as soon as we start to study law. Lower courts are bound by the decisions of...
The Supreme Court has once again made a finding against the government. This time it’s in connection with a really interesting case of false imprisonment. R (on the application of...
Many of you who are studying the LPC this year are expecting to be examined on the new SRA Code of Conduct; this finally came into force on 25th November...
If you’re in the process of studying EU, Public or Constitutional law now, then you need to read this post! It’s very likely that you’ll need to understand and refer...
We don't write guides specifically for the QLTS, but often have students and overseas lawyers ask if our guides are helpful.We have quite a few customers using our GDL and...
Ethical veganism is a protected belief!Well, who knew that? We’ve all got good (and about time too) at recognising groups protected under the Equality Act 2010. Most law students can...
If you’re keen on land law you’ll probably be quite excited by a Supreme Court case this week. If you’re in the process of studying land law (and particularly if...
Here at Law Answered we care a lot about writing with clarity. We intend that our guides should be produced using clear, precise English so that you can readily understand...
Lots of people have been talking about the case R (on the application of Miller) v The Prime Minister but do you know what it was about? It’s a huge...
The SRA’s new Standards and Regulations (“StaRs”) will come into force on 25th November 2019 © The Law Society. These new StaRs represent a very radical overhaul of the regulation...
Who remembers Interfoto Picture Library v Stilletto Visual Programmes? It’s a contract case about incorporation of terms, in this case very onerous ones. The defendant borrowed transparencies from a lending...
The new SRA Standards and Regulations – or “StaRs” – come into force on 25th November 2019. This represents a radical overhaul of the regulation of solicitors and law firms,...
When does Art.8 ECHR go too far?Sometimes, we come across a case which just fascinates us from a moral as well as a legal perspective and we thought we’d share...
Law Answered has been running across three separate sites until now. We’ve now decided to combine our sites together at - which means you can take advantage of bundle...
How should you write as a lawyer? Have you seen Jacob Rees-Mogg’s foray recently into providing advice for his team on how to write? Wow, due to his approach a...
Isn’t it nice when a new case comes along and explains some complex bit of law in such a way that makes everything fall into place? The good news is...
If you’re a law student you really do need to be able to talk about Miller (No.2). In terms of Constitutional and Public law it was an absolute cracker of...
Are you a cyclist? If so the recent case of Brushett v Hazeldean matters to you. Mr Hazeldean was riding his bicycle across a junction when Ms Brushett walked out...
The great thing about the legal profession is its breadth and the really wide range of work available. Arguments between solicitors and barristers about the relative prestige and interest of...
This year we’ve embarked on a particularly comprehensive revision of our casebooks. We’ve thoroughly revised our GDL casebook, for example, the first time dates have been added to all cases...
Ongoing updating of the guides has brought me to Equity and Trusts. A bit of a “marmite subject” I think? Personally, I have always liked it, but I think there...
What a time to start studying Constitutional Law! When we updated our guides we revised (well, rewrote actually) the Brexit section extensively three times. Things were changing so much that...
Here at Law Answered we’ve been hard at work updating all our guides to take account of changes in law and legal practice over the last year. We are in...
Sometimes the learning of all the law you need to know for professional qualification can seem like a never ending slog. We know! We’ve been there and going through all...
Welcome to our new Law Answered Blog.When we’re updating our guides we inevitably have to make judgement calls as to what should be included and what left out. Without doubt...